Quality, authenticity, excellence
Gnocco fritto with cold cuts and cheese

Second courses

Gnocco fritto with cold cuts and cheese

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

60 min


1 Portions


35 g of Lard
5 g of sugar
125 g of Water
12 g of Instant yeast for savoury dishes
500 g of Tipico IT's 0 flour
15 g of fine salt
100 g of Whole milk
Grape seed oil



First of all, in order to prepare your Gnocco Fritto mix water with milk. In a bowl pour flour, yeast in powder for savoury dishes, sugar and salt.


Mix the powders and then add the lard. Knead with hands and pour in the mixture of milk and water. Once the powders will have absorbed the liquids, move the dough on a floured pastry board.


Form a compact and dry dough. Place it in a bowl and cover it with cling film. Let the dough rest for at least one hour and a maximum of 12 hours, in a fresh place. After the time has passed, take again the dough, sprinkle slightly the pastry board and with a knife divide it in little doughs.


Take one dough and pull it with the rolling pin until you obtain a very thin sheet of pasta dough, not more than a pair of millimetres. Equalize the border of the pasta sheet with a wavy pasta cutter. Then cut some parallelograms of 8x7 cm.


Once cut, cook them in boiling oil at 170° for about 3 minutes. Then drain them on absorbent paper.


At this point, your Gnocco Fritto is ready. Taste it hot with a great variety of Tipico IT's cold cuts and cheese.


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