Quality, authenticity, excellence
Carrot rolls with Pancetta

Second courses

Carrot rolls with Pancetta

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min


1 Serving


1 Clove of garlic
8 Carrots
100 g of Tipico IT’s Granetta di vacca
120 g of Tipico IT’s Smoked pancetta
A knob of Tipico IT’s butter
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil



Wash and peel the carrots and cut each of them in small logs. Pour them in abundant hot and salted water and cook them for 10-15 minutes, until they will get softened, but al dente.


Subsequently, brown a clove of garlic with three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, then add the carrot logs and brown them for 2-3 minutes.


Once the browned logs are cooled, take them and roll each of them with a slice of pancetta.


As quickly as you prepare the rolls, place them in a buttered tray. Once they are ready, sprinkle the carrots with a good handful of Granetta di Vacca and some knobs of butter. Lastly, bake them at 190°C for about 15 minutes. Once they are ready, serve them hot or warm.


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