Ingredient: Packet of yeast

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Salted muffins with gorgonzola and walnuts


Salted muffins with gorgonzola and walnuts

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

30 min


1 Serving


450 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
125 g of Tipico IT’s White yogurt
250 ml of Milk
2 Eggs
80 ml of Seeds oil
100 g of Walnuts
150 g of Tipico IT's Sweet gorgonzola
1 Packet of yeast
1 Pinch of salt



In order to make your salted muffins with Gorgonzola and walnuts, in a bowl add the milk, the eggs, the yogurt and mix well all the ingredients with a hand whisk.


Then continue adding the dry ingredients: the flour, the salt, the yeast and mix well the mixture; subsequently add the coarsely chopped walnut kernels and the Gorgonzola in pieces.


Take the muffin moulds and fill them for ¾ of their capacity with the previously prepared dough and garnishing with some other pieces of walnuts. Then put your muffins in the preheated oven at 180°C for about half an hour. When they will be well browned, take them out of the oven and let them cool down. At this point your muffins are ready to be served.


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