Ingredient: of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Green ravioli with stracciatella

First courses

Green ravioli with stracciatella

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

45 min


1 Portions


200 g of Tipico IT's semolina flour
50 g of Spinach
2 Eggs
1 pinch of salt
450 g of Tipico IT's stracciatella
50 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
Black pepper



Boil the spinach in salted water, then drain and squeeze it well to chop it finely.


Make a flour fountain and add the eggs, the chopped spinach, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt and mix well as soon as the pasta will be smooth and elastic.


Now roll out a thin sheet of pasta dough and use a teaspoon to sprinkle in the Stracciatella, black pepper and a little bit of Granetta di Capra, which will form the filling of your ravioli. Then cover with a second sheet of pasta dough.


Now cut out the ravioli and cook them in boiling salted water. Then toss them in a pan with butter.


Your green ravioli are ready, serve hot with a final touch of more Stracciatella and a handful of Granetta di Capra.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Aubergine parmigiana

Second courses

Aubergine parmigiana

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

100 min


1 Portions


3 Aubergines
500 g of Smoked provola
1 Golden onion
Extra virgin olive oil
Fine salt
1 kg of Tomato puree
150 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
Black pepper
Peanut oil



To prepare the aubergine parmigiana, start with the sauce. Clean and chop the onion, pour it into a pan where you have heated the olive oil. Let it brown, stirring often to avoid burning. Then add the tomato puree.


Adjust the salt and add the basil leaves. Leave to cook over a gentle heat for 40-45 minutes.


In the meantime, cut the smoked provola into cubes, keeping a piece aside for the end.


Now move on to the aubergines, clean and trim them. Slice lengthways into 4-5 mm thick slices.


Then fry the aubergines in hot oil, dipping a few pieces at a time. As soon as they are lightly browned, drain them on a tray with paper towels.


Finally move on to the composition: start by pouring a little sauce into a 20-30 cm baking dish. Form the first layer by arranging the aubergine slices, pour the tomato sauce, spread it and add some cubes of smoked provola. Sprinkle with Granetta di capra and basil leaves. Start again adding the tomato sauce and the aubergines, which should be placed in the opposite direction.


And then the cheeses and the basil leaves. Continue in this way until you reach the last layer of aubergines, which you will season, once again, with the sauce and the smoked provola cheese that you have set aside.


Finish with the Granetta di capra and bake in a preheated static oven at 200° for about 30 minutes. Once the cooking time is up, let it rest for about 15-20 minutes before serving your aubergine parmigiana.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Anchovies beccafico alla palermitana

Second courses

Anchovies beccafico alla palermitana

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

75 min


1 Portions


1 kg of Tipico IT's anchovies
400 g of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
30 g of Pine nuts
20 g of Capers
10 Bay leaves
100 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
30 g of Raisins
2 tsp of sugar
2 Lemons
1 Orange
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
2 Garlic cloves



First of all, clean the anchovies, remove the entrails, head and internal bones and then clean them.


Subsequently, pour plenty of extra virgin olive oil into a large tray and fry the garlic. Once the oil has taken on flavour, remove it and add the breadcrumbs, toast them and then transfer them to a bowl.


Mix the breadcrumbs with the raisins soaked in water, the desalted capers, the grated Granetta di Vacca, the salt, the pine nuts, the sugar and the greated zest of an orange and a lemon.


Mix everything well and add, if necessary, further extra virgin olive oil in order to soften the mixture.


Lay the anchovies and pour on each of them a small part of the mixture. Subsequently, roll the anchovies as a roulade and continue until you finish the ingredients.


Place the anchovies beccafico alla palermitana in a tray altering them with some bay leaves. Then, bathe them with some lemon juice and spread them with the left breadcrumbs.


Finally, bake at 180° for about 15 minutes. Take out of the oven and serve.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Arancini with tomato and buffalo mozzarella

First courses

Arancini with tomato and buffalo mozzarella

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

0 min



400 g of Tipico IT's rice
1 Onion
40 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
3 Eggs
110 g of Tipico IT's tomato pulp
130 g of Tipico IT's Buffalo Mozzarella
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Tipico IT’s breadcrumbs
Seed oil



First, start by preparing the sauce. Put the onion in a frying pan with a little oil and brown it. Pour in the tomato pulp, add a glass of water, salt and cook with the lid on low for about 30 minutes. As soon as it is cooked, turn off the heat and leave to cool.


In the meantime, put a pot of water on the stove and bring it to the boil. Season with salt, add the rice and leave it to cook. When cooked, drain the rice and leave it to cool.


Dice the mozzarella. In a bowl, season the rice with the Granetta di Capra and the sauce.


Stir well. Then wet your hands and take some of the rice and flatten it with the palm of your hand. Add small pieces of mozzarella in the centre. Close and roll up trying to shape your arancino.


Continue in this way until you have finished all the ingredients. Then leave them to rest in the fridge for an hour.


When the time is up, prepare a plate with the beaten eggs and another with the breadcrumbs. Take the arancini and dip them in the beaten eggs and then in the breadcrumbs, trying to get the bread to stick to all parts of the arancino.


Put plenty of seed oil in a pan and fry in hot oil, turning them for a perfect frying until golden brown. Drain the rice arancini with tomato and mozzarella on absorbent paper and serve hot.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Asparagus omelette with cheese

Second courses

Asparagus omelette with cheese

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min


1 Portions


800 g of Tipico IT's Asparagus
6 Medium eggs
1 Leek
40 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
150 g of Tipico IT’s Smoked scamorza
40 g of Tipico IT’s Butter
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil



First, start by washing the asparagus, remove their white and hard part of the stem. Then tie the asparagus together and boil them for about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, drain and cut them into small pieces.


Remove the external leaves of the leek, wash it and cut it into thin slices. Later put the mixture in a pan in which you have previously melted the butter.


Lightly fry the leek, then salt, pepper and add the pieces of asparagus; cook for a few minutes, until the asparagus will no longer lose cooking water. At this point salt, then turn off the fire and let cool the vegetables.


Beat the eggs in a bowl, add the pepper, the grated Granetta di Capra, the lukewarm vegetables, the smoked Scamorza cut into cubes and the parsley; mix the ingredients well.


Using a non-stick pan, put the oil and warm it up, add the egg mixture and cook over high heat for 2-3 minutes, then put a lid on the pan and lower the flame in order to cook the omelette evenly.


When the sides of the omelette will become golden brown, turn the omelette helping you with the lid; brown also the other omelette surface and then let it glide onto a serving plate. Serve your omelette immediately.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Tagliatelle with walnut pesto and basil

First courses

Tagliatelle with walnut pesto and basil

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

0 min



400 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
4 Eggs
1 Pinch of salt
100 g of Walnuts
1 Clove of garlic
Fresh basil
100 ml of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
50 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra



In order to prepare fresh tagliatelle, place the flour in a heap on the work surface, Subsequently, break the eggs and add them to the flour with a pinch of salt. At this point, beat everything well using a fork and taking some flour from the edges of the heap.


As soon as you obtain a certain consistency, start kneading with your hands until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. Let it rest on the work surface covering it with a clean cloth.v


After the time has passed, take the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin and let it dry well. At this point, fold it on itself like a roll and cut your tagliatelle by hand using a smooth blade and well sharpened knife.


Now that your tagliatelle are ready to be cooked, let's prepare the sauce. In a mortar, crush some walnut kernels, a clove of garlic and some fresh basil.


While crushing, add some oil until you obtain a soft sauce.


Put the tagliatelle in abundant salted water. Once cooked, drain them and season them with the previouslt prepared walnut pesto, adding some cokking water in order to dilute the seasoning and mix it well with the pasta.


Now serve your tagliatelle with walnut pesto and garnish them with some walnut kernels.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Aubergine and ricotta salata di bufala rolls

Second courses

Aubergine and ricotta salata di bufala rolls

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

0 min



200 g of Tipico IT's ricotta salata di bufala
2 Aubergines
50 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
56 Leaves of basil
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper



Take the aubergines, wash them accurately, eliminate their endings and cut them into slices in length. Cover them with some coarse salt and let them rest in a colander in order to eliminate the water in excess.


In the meantime, take the ricotta salata di bufala and put it in a bowl. Start to soften it with a fork until it becomes creamy. Subsequently, add some Granetta di Capra and the chopped basil leaves.


Now, dry well the aubergines. Warm the grill and cook all the slices being careful not to burn the borders.


Once ready, let them cool and then proceed by forming the rolls: take a slice of aubergine and put a spoon of the ricotta salata filling, that you prepared previously, on one side. Then roll the slice on itself and with the help of a toothpick, close the roll.v


Now put them in the fridge and let them rest for about 15 minutes. Passed the necessary time, your aubergine and ricotta salata rolls are ready to be served.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Filled baked artichokes

Second courses

Filled baked artichokes

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min


1 Portions


2 Artichokes
1 Clove of garlic
1 Lemon
Black pepper
2 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
30 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
3 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Dried tomatoes



Clean the artichokes, remove their stem, their tougher outer leaves and their inner beard. Trim and immerse them in the water acidulated with some lemon juice for some minutes.


In the meantime, chop the parsley, the clove of garlic finely and the dried tomatoes. Then mix it with some Granetta di Capra and a little olive oil.


Place the artichokes with the cut side facing upwards in a tray greased with oil. Sprinkle them with some Granetta di capra and the prepared mixture. Add some pepper and breadcrumbs.


Finally, add some mint leaves and a little olive oil and bake at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Add some water if it is necessary, then plate them and serve.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Ravioli with ricotta and artichokes on Granetta di capra's fondue

First courses

Ravioli with ricotta and artichokes on Granetta di capra's fondue

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

150 min


1 Portions


For the fresh pasta
300 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
3 Eggs
For the filling
8 Artichokes
4 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
60 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
1 Onion
1/2 Glass of wine
Black pepper
Fine salt
1 Clove of garlic
For seasoning
150 g of Butter
100 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
50 g of Fresh cream
Pumpkin seeds



First of all, start with the preparation of the fresh pasta: pour some 00 flour in a bowl after sifting it. Then add the slightly beaten eggs and start kneading with a fork. When the eggs are absorbed, continue with your hands and transfer the dough on a work surface. Continue kneading it until you obtain a smooth and elastic dough, which will be covered in cling film. Let it rest for about 30 minutes in a fresh place.v


While the fresh egg pasta is resting, start preparing the filling: clean the artichokes, peel and cut them. Chop finely an onion and let it brown on a low flame for about 15 minutes with four spoons of extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic. When the onion is golden, add the artichokes and let them cook. Halfway through the cooking time, add the white wine, add some salt and pepper.


Once cooked, transfer the artichokes in a mixer and blend them coarsely. Subsequently, transfer the obtained cream in a bowl and add the ricotta and the grated Granetta di Capra. Mix everything well.v


At this point, start rolling out the dough until you obtain a sheet of pasta dough enough thin. Cut it in strips of 10 cm wide. Put the filling in the centre and close the sheets of pasta dough on themselves. Now start cutting your ravioli and little by little put them on a floured cloth.


Once you have finished, boil them in abundant salted water; while the ravioli are being cooked, melt some butter in a pan and add the sage leaves.


Meanwhile, prepare the Granetta di Capra fondue, on which you will place your ravioli. In a pan, pour some fresh cream and heat it on a medium flame. Add a part of the grated Granetta di Capra and mix well. Add little by little the rest of the Granetta, mixing well and letting it thickened.


When the ravioli are cooked, drain them and sauté them in the aromatised butter.v


Now, place your ravioli on the previously prepared fondue and pour on them the melted butter with some sage leaves, the pumpkin seeds and a handful of Granetta di Capra.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Cauliflower balls with a stringy heart of Scamorza

Second courses

Cauliflower balls with a stringy heart of Scamorza

Author: Guido Boschetti


Total time:

0 min



1 Cauliflower
2 Eggs
80 g of Tipico IT’s Smoked scamorza
50 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
8 tsp of Breadcrumbs
1 tsp of Nutmeg
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
10 g of Aromatic herbs



Wash and peel the cauliflower by clearing each floret and removing their external membrane with the help of a knife until it gets white and cleaned.


Boil and steam your cauliflower florets. Once cooked, drain them well and put them in the potato masher with a spoon.


At this point, collect the puree in a bowl and add the beaten eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper, a bit of nutmeg, the well chopped aromatic herbs and a good handful of Granetta di Capra.


Add also the breadcrumbs and mix well all the ingredients in a homogeneous way. If the dough is still very wet, add little by little some other spoons of breadcrumbs, so that it can be very homogeneous.


Now, with your slightly moist hands, start making the cauliflower balls by flattening them on your hands. Then add a piece of scamorza cut into cubes.


Close and place each cauliflower ball in a tray lined with baking paper, by drizzling the surface with some extra virgin olive oil.


Cook in preheated oven at 200° C for 30 minutes. Serve them hot accompanying with a fresh mixed salad.


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