Ingredient: of Cane sugar

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Apple strudel


Apple strudel

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

60 min


1 Serving


1 Rectangular roll of Pasta Sfoglia
30 g of Raisins
60 g of Cane sugar
30 g of Lemon juice
30 g of Pine nuts
5 Apples
50 g of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
50 g of Tipico IT’s Butter
1 tsp of cinnamon in powder
For brushing
1 Egg yolk
3 tbsp of Whole milk
Icing sugar



In order to prepare the apple strudel, start soaking the raisins in water for 15 minutes. In the meantime, melt 30 g of butter in a pan and pour in it also the breadcrumbs. Brown for a couple of minutes, mixing often.


In another pan toast the pine nuts and then put everything aside.


Now, peel the apples and cut them into thin slices. Transfer them in a bowl and squeeze some lemon juice on them. Add the pine nuts, the soaked and drained raisins, the cane sugar and the cinnamon.


Mix well and melt some butter. Unroll the puff pastry, brush the entire surface with some butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.


Now, put the apples on it placing them uniformly and then close it. Close well the puff pastry sides, in order to prevent the mixture spill.


Transfer the strudel on a tray covered with a sheet of baking paper. Then whisk a yellow egg with some milk and brush it on the strudel surface.


Bake it in a ventilated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes. Once ready, take it out from the oven, let it cool down and sprinkle the surface with some icing sugar according to your taste.


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