First courses
Four-cheese cake
30 min
1 Serving
To make your four-cheese cake, first of all drain the ricotta and pour it in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt, some chopped thyme and sage.
Then cut the scamorza into thin slices, while the Gorgonzola into cubes.
At this point start with the preparation of the little cakes: unroll the puff pastry and cut it into 6 squares, each of which will have to be set in a baking cup.
Now, in each baking cup set some scamorza slices, then a spoonful of the previously prepared ricotta mixture and finally the Gorgonzola cubes. In the end, sprinkle your four-cheese cakes with a spoonful of Granetta di vacca and bake them in the preheated static oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Taste them hot.