Ingredient: Garlic cloves

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Anchovies beccafico alla palermitana

Second courses

Anchovies beccafico alla palermitana

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

75 min


1 Portions


1 kg of Tipico IT's anchovies
400 g of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
30 g of Pine nuts
20 g of Capers
10 Bay leaves
100 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
30 g of Raisins
2 tsp of sugar
2 Lemons
1 Orange
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
2 Garlic cloves



First of all, clean the anchovies, remove the entrails, head and internal bones and then clean them.


Subsequently, pour plenty of extra virgin olive oil into a large tray and fry the garlic. Once the oil has taken on flavour, remove it and add the breadcrumbs, toast them and then transfer them to a bowl.


Mix the breadcrumbs with the raisins soaked in water, the desalted capers, the grated Granetta di Vacca, the salt, the pine nuts, the sugar and the greated zest of an orange and a lemon.


Mix everything well and add, if necessary, further extra virgin olive oil in order to soften the mixture.


Lay the anchovies and pour on each of them a small part of the mixture. Subsequently, roll the anchovies as a roulade and continue until you finish the ingredients.


Place the anchovies beccafico alla palermitana in a tray altering them with some bay leaves. Then, bathe them with some lemon juice and spread them with the left breadcrumbs.


Finally, bake at 180° for about 15 minutes. Take out of the oven and serve.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Seafood lasagne

First courses

Seafood lasagne

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

65 min


1 Serving


250 g of Tipico IT’s puff pastry for lasagne
400 g of Mussels
400 g of Clams
200 g of Cuttlefish
200 g of White fish
200 g of Prawns
100 g of Shrimps
5 Tipico IT’s cherry tomatoes
2 Garlic cloves
White wine
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
For the bechamel
500 ml of Milk
60 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
60 g of Tipico IT’s Butter



First of all, start with the bechamel preparation, putting some butter in a pan and melting it. Then add the flour and mix with a spoon. Let it cook for a couple of minutes and then add some milk by mixing everything. Let the bechamel cook so as it gets thickened.


Subsequently prepare the seasoning with fresh fish, soaking the clams in salted water, so as they can release all the sand.


Then put a pot on the gas and cook the clams and mussels for about 10 minutes, until they are all opened. Once they are all opened, start shelling them.


Subsequently put some oil in a pan with some garlic. Then add the fish cut into cubes, the clams and the shelled mussels, the prawns, the shrimps, the finely cut cuttlefish and the cherry tomatoes. Let it cook well adding some white wine. Add some salt, the parsley and once the mixture is ready, put it aside so as it can cool down.


Now start with your lasagne settlement: on the base of an oven tray, put a layer of bechamel, then a layer of puff pastry for lasagne, then a layer of fish and again a layer of bechamel. Continue until all the ingredients finish. End with a layer of puff pastry and some bechamel above.


Let your lasagne cook in a preheated oven at 180°C for 35 minutes, until their surface becomes golden. Take your seafood lasagne out of the oven and wait for some minutes before serving them.


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