Ingredient: Clove of garlic

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Spaghetti with basil paste and prawn tails

First courses

Spaghetti with basil paste and prawn tails

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min


4 Porzioni


80 gr of Basil
20 gr of Pine nuts
1 Clove of garlic
For the pasta
400 gr of Tipico IT’s Spaghetti
250 gr of Prawn tails
Black pepper



First of all, prepare the basil pesto: take a bowl and pour inside the basil leaves, Grana Padano, pine nuts, a clove of garlic, salt and olive oil. With the help of an immersion mixer, blend all the ingredients until you obtain a soft and homogenous mixture.


Now take a pot full of water and once it starts boiling, put inside the pasta.


Meanwhile, in a pan saute the prawn tails with a filet of olive oil and some salt and pepper.


Drain the pasta al dente and transfer it in a bowl. Once the pasta temperature is decreased, season with the prepared pesto and add a good part of prawn tails.


After having mixed everything, serve the dish by garnishing with some prawn tails on the surface.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Gnocchi with spinach pesto

First courses

Gnocchi with spinach pesto

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min




For the spinach pesto
200 gr of Spinach
30 gr of Pine nuts
1 Clove of garlic



First of all, wash the spinach and cook them in the steam for a couple of minutes.


Subsequently take a mortar and pour in the cooked spinach, add the pine nuts, a clove of garlic, the Grana Padano, some leaves of basil, salt and oil.


Crush everything well by adding oil in a thin, until you obtain a thick cream.


At this point, boil a pot full of salted water and pour in fresh potato gnocchi.


Once they are ready, drain them and season them with the previously prepared spinach pesto.


Plate up by sprinkling a handful of Grana Padano and serve hot.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Pappardelle with oil, garlic and lemon

First courses

Pappardelle with oil, garlic and lemon

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

20 min




1 Clove of garlic
1 Chilli
Lemon juice



Take a pan and heat the olive oil with garlic and chilli.


In the meantime, cook the pappardelle in abundant salted water. Once ready, drain them al dente.


Mix well the pasta with the seasoning.


Afterwards, turn off the heat and add the juice of two squeezed lemons.


Serve by adding some parsley.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Bruschette with cherry tomatoes and burrata


Bruschette with cherry tomatoes and burrata

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

10 min


1 Portions


4 slices of homemade bread
1 Clove of garlic
Extra virgin olive oil



Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half, or into smaller pieces. Place them in a bowl and season with salt, extra virgin olive oil and a handful of oregano.


Cut the slices of bread and toast them on a grill, or steak pan, turning them on both sides. When they are toasted to your taste, rub them with a clove of garlic, if you like the taste.


Place the croutons on a tray and spread the cherry tomatoes on top.


Place the croutons on a tray and spread the cherry tomatoes on top.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms

First courses

Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

50 min


1 Portions


200 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
3 Eggs
Tipico IT's semolina flour for sprinkling
500 g of Porcini mushrooms
35 g of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
1 Clove of garlic
Black pepper
50 g of Butter
Fine salt



To prepare the tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms, start with the fresh pasta: on a pastry board or in a bowl, pour the flour, create the classic fountain shape and pour in the centre the previously beaten eggs. Mix with a fork starting from the centre, gradually gathering the flour. When the dough will be more compact, work it with your hands for about 10 minutes, kneading vigorously.


Give the dough a spherical shape, wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature, in a cool place away from heat sources, for about 30 minutes.


In the meantime, devote yourselves to the porcini mushrooms: clean them from the soil, scraping the stem with a small knife. Then cut them into slices.


In a large frying pan, pour the butter and melt it over very low heat; when it is almost completely melted, pour in the oil, let it warm slightly over low heat, then pour in the porcini mushrooms and a whole clove of garlic, cleaned or chopped if you prefer. Add salt and pepper to taste and let the mushrooms cook for about 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can remove the whole garlic if you added it. Once ready keep warm.


Then chop the parsley very finely and keep it aside.


Once the necessary resting time has passed, take the dough and divide it into pieces; lightly flour the piece to be passed through the machine to roll out the dough and keep the remaining dough aside covered with plastic wrap. Insert the first piece into the machine, going from the thickest to the penultimate so as to obtain the right thickness of the sheet.


When you get to penultimate step of the machine, pass the strip of dough again, in fact you will need two passes at this thickness to pull the sheet well.


Lightly flour the work surface with some semolina flour and roll out the first sheet of dough; proceed in the same way with another piece of dough, until you have finished the dough, dust the sheets with semolina and let them dry 5 minutes on each side. Fold one of the shorter sides of each sheet inwards (this will create a sort of “tab” to make the tagliatelle easier to pull up once ready) and then roll the pasta up on itself.


Using a sharp, lightly floured knife, begin making the noodles, cutting to a thickness of 6.5-7 mm. Then lift each roll to make your nests of noodles, to be placed as you go on a part of the work surface lightly floured with semolina flour or on a tray.


Bring the water to a boil and salt the taste; cook the tagliatelle for 3-4 minutes. Then drain the noodles directly into the sauce, saving the cooking water. Turn on the low heat under the pan with the sauce and stir the ingredients to combine. Add the finely chopped parsley and if needed, you can add a ladle of pasta cooking water to prevent the tagliatelle from being too dry. Then serve the tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms as soon as they are ready.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Tagliatelle with walnut pesto and basil

First courses

Tagliatelle with walnut pesto and basil

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

0 min



400 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
4 Eggs
1 Pinch of salt
100 g of Walnuts
1 Clove of garlic
Fresh basil
100 ml of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
50 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra



In order to prepare fresh tagliatelle, place the flour in a heap on the work surface, Subsequently, break the eggs and add them to the flour with a pinch of salt. At this point, beat everything well using a fork and taking some flour from the edges of the heap.


As soon as you obtain a certain consistency, start kneading with your hands until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. Let it rest on the work surface covering it with a clean cloth.v


After the time has passed, take the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin and let it dry well. At this point, fold it on itself like a roll and cut your tagliatelle by hand using a smooth blade and well sharpened knife.


Now that your tagliatelle are ready to be cooked, let's prepare the sauce. In a mortar, crush some walnut kernels, a clove of garlic and some fresh basil.


While crushing, add some oil until you obtain a soft sauce.


Put the tagliatelle in abundant salted water. Once cooked, drain them and season them with the previouslt prepared walnut pesto, adding some cokking water in order to dilute the seasoning and mix it well with the pasta.


Now serve your tagliatelle with walnut pesto and garnish them with some walnut kernels.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Filled baked artichokes

Second courses

Filled baked artichokes

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

40 min


1 Portions


2 Artichokes
1 Clove of garlic
1 Lemon
Black pepper
2 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
30 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
3 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Dried tomatoes



Clean the artichokes, remove their stem, their tougher outer leaves and their inner beard. Trim and immerse them in the water acidulated with some lemon juice for some minutes.


In the meantime, chop the parsley, the clove of garlic finely and the dried tomatoes. Then mix it with some Granetta di Capra and a little olive oil.


Place the artichokes with the cut side facing upwards in a tray greased with oil. Sprinkle them with some Granetta di capra and the prepared mixture. Add some pepper and breadcrumbs.


Finally, add some mint leaves and a little olive oil and bake at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Add some water if it is necessary, then plate them and serve.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Ravioli with ricotta and artichokes on Granetta di capra's fondue

First courses

Ravioli with ricotta and artichokes on Granetta di capra's fondue

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

150 min


1 Portions


For the fresh pasta
300 g of Tipico IT’s 00 Flour
3 Eggs
For the filling
8 Artichokes
4 tbsp of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
60 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
1 Onion
1/2 Glass of wine
Black pepper
Fine salt
1 Clove of garlic
For seasoning
150 g of Butter
100 g of Tipico IT's Granetta di Capra
50 g of Fresh cream
Pumpkin seeds



First of all, start with the preparation of the fresh pasta: pour some 00 flour in a bowl after sifting it. Then add the slightly beaten eggs and start kneading with a fork. When the eggs are absorbed, continue with your hands and transfer the dough on a work surface. Continue kneading it until you obtain a smooth and elastic dough, which will be covered in cling film. Let it rest for about 30 minutes in a fresh place.v


While the fresh egg pasta is resting, start preparing the filling: clean the artichokes, peel and cut them. Chop finely an onion and let it brown on a low flame for about 15 minutes with four spoons of extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic. When the onion is golden, add the artichokes and let them cook. Halfway through the cooking time, add the white wine, add some salt and pepper.


Once cooked, transfer the artichokes in a mixer and blend them coarsely. Subsequently, transfer the obtained cream in a bowl and add the ricotta and the grated Granetta di Capra. Mix everything well.v


At this point, start rolling out the dough until you obtain a sheet of pasta dough enough thin. Cut it in strips of 10 cm wide. Put the filling in the centre and close the sheets of pasta dough on themselves. Now start cutting your ravioli and little by little put them on a floured cloth.


Once you have finished, boil them in abundant salted water; while the ravioli are being cooked, melt some butter in a pan and add the sage leaves.


Meanwhile, prepare the Granetta di Capra fondue, on which you will place your ravioli. In a pan, pour some fresh cream and heat it on a medium flame. Add a part of the grated Granetta di Capra and mix well. Add little by little the rest of the Granetta, mixing well and letting it thickened.


When the ravioli are cooked, drain them and sauté them in the aromatised butter.v


Now, place your ravioli on the previously prepared fondue and pour on them the melted butter with some sage leaves, the pumpkin seeds and a handful of Granetta di Capra.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Spaghetti with yellow cherry tomatoes cream

First courses

Spaghetti with yellow cherry tomatoes cream

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

25 min


1 Serving


400 g of Tipico IT’s Yellow cherry tomatoes
350 g of Tipico IT's spaghetti
50 g of Tipico IT’s Granetta di vacca
1 Clove of garlic
Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil



Clean and dry the yellow tomatoes, then cut them into pieces and remove their vegetation water.


Heat 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a large non-stick pan and put the garlic cut in half and deprived ot its core.


Season for some minutes, then add the yellow tomatoes and let them cook on high flame for some minutes.


Add some salt to the tomatoes, dim the flame and let them gently cook for about 10-15 minutes.


Make boil a pot of slightly salted water and, when it will start to boil, cook the pasta. Cook the pasta and drain it when it is "al dente" directly in the pan containing the cooked tomatoes.


In the pan add two or three tablespoons of the pasta cooking water and finish the spaghetti cooking stir-frying them for a couple of minutes.


Add some Granetta di vacca and the fresh basil; stir the pasta and then serve it hot in the dishes.

Quality, authenticity, excellence
Passatelli with guanciale and yellow confit cherry tomatoes

First courses

Passatelli with guanciale and yellow confit cherry tomatoes

Author: Guido Boschetti



Total time:

150 min


1 Portions


For the fresh Passatelli
3 Eggs
100 g of Tipico IT’s Granetta di vacca
140 g of Tipico IT’s Breadcrumbs
Lemon zest
Fine salt
For the yellow confit cherry tomatoes
150 g of Tipico IT’s Yellow cherry tomatoes
25 g of sugar
35 g of Tipico IT’s Extra virgin olive oil
Fine salt
1 Clove of garlic
Black pepper
For the seasoning with the Guanciale
120 g of Tipico IT’s Guanciale
1 Shallot



First of all, start preparing the yellow cherry tomatoes: take the yellow cherry tomatoes and wash them under running water, then wipe them dry and put them on a chopping board by cutting them in half. Now put your tomatoes on a baking tray covered with baking paper with the side facing up.


Add salt and pepper to taste. At this point, prepare the chopped garlic and thyme: peel a clove of garlic, leaf the thyme and then chop it finely. Once you have the chopped garlic, pour it over each tomato and add the sugar. Add the dried oregano and finally a drizzle of oil. Place in a static oven preheated to 140°C for two hours, until the water has evaporated.


Now go on to prepare the passatelli: in a bowl whisk the eggs for a few minutes and add a pinch of salt; in a larger bowl mix the breadcrumbs and the grated Granetta di vacca. Add the flour, lemon zest and nutmeg. Then add the eggs. Now mix the ingredients and knead until you obtain a consistent and elastic dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for about 15 minutes.


In the meantime, boil a pan full of water and on the other side, in a frying pan, fry the shallot with a little oil, then add the chopped guanciale and cook.


When the 15 minutes are up, take out the passatelli dough and pass one piece at a time through a large hole ricer to make passatelli about 4-6 cm long. Drop them onto a floured tray.


Cook the passatelli for a few minutes in plenty of salted water. When they rise to the surface, carefully drain them and pour them into the pan with the guanciale sauce. Then add the yellow tomatoes, which will have cooked in the meantime. Fry everything in the pan without stirring with a spoon, otherwise they will break. Serve directly on the plates with a handful of Granetta di vacca.


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